Talent Idea
Talent standard: Struggle, speed, innovation, cooperation.
Employment tenet: People-oriented, making the best use of talents, appointing talents.
Talent atmosphere: encourage innovation and grow together.
Closely linked to the requirements of corporate strategic planning objectives and corporate culture, and establish a sound and innovative human resources system.
To establish a sound and innovative human resource system in line with the objectives of enterprise strategic planning and the requirements of corporate culture.
Through the open and transparent recruitment and selection system and competitive salary incentive system, we will vigorously introduce and train all kinds of technical, marketing and managerial professionals.
We should establish a scientific and reasonable performance management system, a comprehensive training system and a perfect promotion mechanism to create a creative and hematopoietic talent team.
Through management levels lead by example continuously, encouraging the advanced elements with benchmarking demonstration effect, setting up the enterprise culture of struggle, speed and innovation, human resource management is the core content of the enterprise development strategy, and become the important support and guarantee of the realization of the strategic goal.
Runner Career Growth Tree
The company provides a clear and reasonable career development channel for each employee. As a high-tech enterprise, the company adopts a dual career path management model, that is, one channel is to plan for the normal career path for the ordinary employees, the other one is to plan for a professional development channel for the special talents, which could not only meet the career development needs of most employees, but also meet the professional development needs of professionals. The staff can freely choose the development of the professional technology channel or the management channel. The two channels of the same level of managerial staffs and technicians are equal in status. The career development channel can guarantee the company not only to hire highly skilled managers, but also to attract high skilled professionals, optimize the allocation of human resources, make rational use of talents, provide employees with their own career development channel, and realize the win-win of the company and employees.
Runner Career Growth Tree
Dual career path management model
The career development channel can guarantee the company not only to hire highly skilled managers, but also to attract high skilled professionals, optimize the allocation of human resources, make rational use of talents, provide employees with their own career development channel, and realize the win-win of the company and employees.
"Professional training + comprehensive training" help career development
Excellent talents are the foundation for realizing the strategic objectives of enterprises, and the cultivation of excellent employees is the driving force for the sustainable development of enterprises. The company establishes the internal enterprise university, introduces the E-learning online learning management system from Central Europe, constructs the internal lecturer and curriculum development management system. Based on the foundation of enterprise culture and qualifications, the company carries out targeted training to all employees, such as new employees training, technical personnel professional skills promotion, team talent echelon construction and leadership according to the employees, interests and expertise in tailoring in order to run every employee's career, and ensure the continuous development of the company, so as to achieve the company's vision.









